“Travel, Tales & Tunes,
With Authority & Attitude.” *

“Where we’re goin’⇔Where we’ve been.”

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  📌=VamoSilo Updated

∞ Lahaina Manaoio ∞

The Twelve Vamandments (A Duly, Daring Dozen)


Overview: Sitegeist


VamoSphere: A Hoverview, (Summer, 2024)…

Summer In The City, Sticks and Sands. 6/22/24)—What in blazes? What the Flood?! Seems that since the solstice, there’s been hell on wheels, wings and water to pay the world over. As in either we’re sun fried, or slogging along on little web feet. Nevertheless our...
Posted On 05 Dec 2020
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Global Villagence: Blade Runners, Gaza/Ukraine Wars + No-Flyz’s.📌

Unfortunately, some of the world’s prime soft targets happen to be places and events we want to visit. But beyond cities, monuments, shrines, parks, shows or other gathering points, the most hazardous hotspots remain transport terminals and the modes that pass throu...
Posted On 27 Jan 2019
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VamoScope: WorldWatch Indices.

Follow the emergence of timely, topical graphs, ven diagrams, and charts tasked with comparing and contrasting pertinent travel trendlines: land, sea and air.* See, at this time of post-Trumphoria/ Trumphobia, of matastisizing Blue State-Red State divergencies, it behooves us...
Posted On 02 Feb 2019
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Vamilieu: Tides and Trends.📌

An overview of the tides and trends along travel lines, affecting, influencing VamigrĂ©s, near and abroad, including topical non-fiction TripLit* : (Update: 2/16/22)—Layaway or Stay Away? It does seem quite sensibly go-able, right? Play now, pay later: Live out your travel dreams...
Posted On 02 Feb 2019
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Venice Takes Its Toll.📌

Vamometer: EU—There’s a new, more welcoming price to be paid for popularity. Just ask Venice, Italy: Flipping the Skiff. (12/15/23)—Little wonder Venice is poised to impose a visitor entrance fee beginning in 2024, tripping up day trippers for the privilege of soaking in...
Posted On 02 Jul 2020
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Roamin’ Forum.

Our interactive chat/sounding board on the gamut of current, controversial travel-related issues in the VamigrĂ© vein—such as concerted consumer activism, global affronts, impeded Vamentum and Vamifications…  Here is where the debates begin, over travel related issues,...
Posted On 20 Jul 2024
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VamoSetbacks: Accidents and Incidents.📌📌

(4/26/23)—In this overview/monitoring process, VamigrĂ© will closely track and graph terror alerts and threat potential by area/destination, along with stats and trends on crime, traffic and other bodily hazards/dangers by mode/destination, for instance: Bird Strike Too: So Hard...
Posted On 07 Feb 2021
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Cubargo: Power Trip to the People.

VamoSanctity (Freedom of Movement) + Border/Shutdown Update (Premise). The New Renormal (5/17/22)—The Biden administration has just introduced plans to relax tough Trump-Era sanctions, enabling Cuban citizens to live freer from “government oppression.” Beyond removing a $1,000...
Posted On 14 May 2019
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VamoTech and Technicalities.

CrowdStuck. (7/25/24+)—With the click of a switch last Friday morning, cybersecurity company CrowdStrike struck a blow for global disruption and chaos—no cyberattack but a massive ‘friendly-fire’ operational glitch, widely advanced due to CS’s deep access into...
Posted On 25 Jul 2024
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Under Scrutiny

VamoSkies: Pandemic Bounces, Labor Pains, Other A/L Turbulence.

Air Carriers & Craft + Labor Woes (Premise). THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MODES. A/A to SWA, GOODWILL BLUNTING. 10/25/21+—Whatever good terms and tidings took flight as pandemic travel restrictions loosened earlier this year were grounded this past holiday weekend as the...
Posted On 03 Apr 2019
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Airport/Terminal Migraines. 📌

Runway Chronicals📌 (Premise). Changi Is In The Air. (12/4/23)—That is, the rarified air of being named the World’s Best Airport in 2023 by SkyTrax Airport Awards. For Singapore’s Jewel Changi Airport has completed a 3Âœ year, 21,000 square-foot T2 terminal expansion...
Posted On 28 Jan 2019
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VamoSnafus, Tie-Ups, Threats.

Quagmire One is the phalanx/series of post-Trumpian travel bans, however misguided they have been and continue being. Hotly, immediately contested by the courts, tougher visa screening and extreme vetting methods have sown anger and anxiety in U.S.-bound travelers and hopeful...
Posted On 02 Feb 2019
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VAMOSPACE: Craft or Cap? + SST 📌

Air Carriers & Craft (Premise). Virgin Gala, Italian Style. (6/30/23)—Virgin Galactic has gone and spread ’em again, winging off from its New Mexico Spaceport America Thursday morning with a spirited, if not spicy payload of three Italian airmen/engineers. (Update:...
Posted On 04 Feb 2021
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Federal Offenses: T.S.A., D.O.T., F.A.A, N.T.S.B.📌📌

Also along these lines… Pilot Frights. (8/16/23)—The latest in cockpit calamities: The right engine of a Southwest Flt. 307 bound for Cancun from flamed out shortly after take0ff August 11, returning to Houston’ Hobby Airport . This after another SWA 737, Flt. 2493 aborted...
Posted On 02 Feb 2019
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Malfeasance, Malfeesance Aflight: Overruling the Unrulies.📌

+ Doggone Dilemma. Getting Testy. (3/14/24)—Will they ever learn? Namely a student pilot who attempted to storm the cockpit of a recent cross-country flight. One Nathan Jones, 19, boarded Alaska Airlines Flight 322 in San Diego, a 737-900 bound for Washington D.C., and was seated...
Posted On 16 May 2019
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Surface Coverage

Vamobility: By All Means and Modes. 📌

(2/6/23)—To reiterate: It’s not just where we go, but how we get there. Planes, trains, buses and cruise ships barely scratch the surface, however, as VamigrĂ© will also traffic in wheels within wheels (including choice, mean wheels), motors in perpetual motion, blades to...
Posted On 02 Feb 2019
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Vamobility: High-Speed Rail, Revisited.📌📌

Vamobility: Previews & Reviews of Modes & Means (Premise). California Speedin’.        (Update: 12/9/23)—As go politics and pump prices, so goes US high-speed rail… No better example of this precarious, often inverse relationship exists than the nation’s...
Posted On 28 Jan 2019
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Vamobility: Autos/SUVs

Covering righteous chariots of require to chariots of desire to chariots of fire to chariots for hire. From four-wheel dreamboats, carry-alls, 4-WDers of power and privilege—all to keep us motorvated and on the move— even as gas prices continue to rise…  Vamobiles: So many...
Posted On 02 Feb 2019
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Vamobility: Vans, Trucks & Buses.

We’ll surely be rockin’, and when warranted, will bother knockin’, the full gamut of tricked-out trucks  and campers–mellow to mighty (e.g., the likes of Odyssey, Pacifica, Renegades–even vintage Rover Defenders).  In other words, rigs for good...
Posted On 29 Jan 2019
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Vamobility: RVs, Trailers & Motorhomes.

Domestic day-to-day workhorses and more lavish set-ups (Airstreams, Winnies on up) for rootless homebodies who value the VamigrĂ© basics, or demand all the creature comforts, for the longer haul…  R/Vs, Trailers, Motorhomes. For the longer haul, VamigrĂ© will thoroughly...
Posted On 24 Jan 2019
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Vamobility: Bi-Wheelers.📌

  Here, VamigrĂ© will apply our Four-R’s regimen: Review, rate, rank and recommend: Motorcycles/Scooters. Reviewing and rating, by VamigrĂ© standards, two-wheel freewheelers for the speed freaks and faint of ride alike: from Peoples minis to Ducatis and Harleys. Plus...
Posted On 31 Jan 2019
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Smoother Serendipity

VamoStays and Shareways: Rides & Abodes.

 On-Demand Ride Hailing. 📌 Beyond standard auto rentals, hail the current overheated, curb-to-curb competition between ride-sharing giants spreading worldwide, and the growing Turo peer-to-peer car rental service. On the surface, easy to say that Lyft is comparatively the good...
Posted On 12 Jan 2019
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Traveling Medicine Show.📌📌

9/8/21—Add to these out-of-body preventative measures VamigrĂ©’s ministering to larger health, illness and healing issues the world over, graphical plotting/breakdowns of Vamocertified anti-viral shots and other medicinals: including motion sickness pills. Vamedical will...
Posted On 11 Dec 2018
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VamoSapiens: Going For Health & Fitness.

Salves, potions, practices and remedies that are good for what ails you: jet lag to sea/motion sickness and all. Plus exercises, disciplines, methods to better shape up and maintain your mobile selves… For instance, shaping up, how best to prepare mentally and physically...
Posted On 02 Feb 2019
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VamoScience, Hi-Techmobility.

Hydrogen: Burn or Cell? (8/24/22)—Fossil fuels beget hybrid/electric?  Then again, why not just throw a baby Jackery into the bathwater, see what flies? Well not quite, but cleanly turning electrolyzed water into hydrogen aeronautical propulsion is an alternative process that has...
Posted On 10 Feb 2019
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VamoSites: Hallowed to Hollowed Grounds + CA Beaches.📌

Scenery and serenity—parks and places we go to get right, recreation, relaxation or just get away. So we shall cover the grandeur and sheer beauty and inspiration of these hallowed lands, as well as events, efforts or conditions that augur to hollow them out. This could include...
Posted On 02 Feb 2019
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MotoCultura: High, Low, Everywhere in Between.

Will your travels broaden or shallow your mind? If the former, be it for an indie concert or concerto Italiano, a local festival or festival internationale, join VamigrĂ© as we take on a world of fine art, folk crafts, classic Impressionism and modern Expressionism—Calder,...
Posted On 14 Dec 2018
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VamoSports: Mobile Games That Test and Refresh.

Whether their rally cry is ‘surf’s up’ or ‘play ball’, sporting activities and events are a natural travel draw, and VamigrĂ© will explore them accordingly —from the beach to the bleachers, suite level to the cricket pitch to the football club and...
Posted On 23 Jan 2019
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VamoStyles: Worldly Wear and Wares.

So, down to material business: What locals and discriminating VamigrĂ©s might wear in and about and around a given destination/experience—based on climate, weather forecasts and conditions, seasons and activities planned and unplanned. Wearables, wareables, gear and...
Posted On 24 Jan 2019
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Club Vamawayℱ: The Vibrant VamoSocial Hub For Vamigos & Vamigas Alike, as in Morocco’s Secrets May Surprise You.

Venturing beyond serious travel news/business, this interactive, encounter-culture hub is where dedicated Vamigosℱ and Vamigasℱ will gather and greet, spin and share—in essence, to showhow—via their high-quality, curated Vameosℱ and Vamoirsℱ. Extolling the virtues of places been,...
Posted On 21 Nov 2018
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Silver Express

Senior Momentum.

Whether or not 60 is the new 40, 70 the new 50, there is exponential growth in the pre- and retirement age group—which is where the time and money are heading. This new senior momentum resides primarily in the fabled Baby Boom and beyond, the original disruptive generation that...
Posted On 02 Feb 2019
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VamoSilver Senior-dipity.

Artfully melding past and present, VamoSilvers bring a lifetime of wisdom and memorable experience to the travels of today. Perhaps a new journey to Amsterdam will spark flashback remembrances of visits past, coalescing a uniquely meaningful fresh perspective; same with a foray...
Posted On 20 Jan 2019
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VamoSilvers’ Aid and Comforts.

  Silverville—it is what it’s never been up to now, the trick being to make the everlivin’ most of it. So here we explore, survey the niceties and necessities of mature to mischievous ol’ travel by VamigrĂ©s who refuse to go noddingly into the good night,...
Posted On 02 Feb 2019
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That is, sneers, smirks, snickers or keel-over laughers, as VamigrĂ©’s mirthical travelers explore the world of ongoing grins and gaffes, of cackles or cringes, of grimaces or guffaws—and of miscues, mishaps or total merriment along the way. Humor us world, will ya? Be it by...
Posted On 21 Jan 2019
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Vamigre News Archive (Intro).

  A brief intro foray into the weeds of T/T media coverage: Post-Tourism Travel Journalism, Not Junketism.*    In the global geopolitical sense, today’s travelers still face a very different world: namely a turbulent post-9/11 world enmeshed in a dangerous tangle of...
Posted On 21 Jul 2016
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Contacting Vamigre.

Please direct all reaction, comments, ‘Spokes’, suggestions and inquiries to: contact@vamigrĂ©.com   Thanks so much for your interest and input. And please stay ready, willing and alert for all updates and developments. VamosOn! VamigrĂ© InterNation…
Posted On 21 Jul 2016
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