VamoSilver: Free and Easy.
This one’s for the VamoSeniors, the graying and semi-to-fully retired Vamigré ‘veterans’ who genially carry the baggage of travel/tourism experiences, good and bad, dating back to their school days. Who now may happen to have more travel time and discretionary resources than ever before.
Here, we draw upon decades of knowledge and perspective to enrich the quality, creativity of senior exploration and adventure. Yet with acknowledgment that certain physical (if not metaphysical) realities and imperatives set in as the years roll on—with respect to health, stamina and wellness overall.
So get real: Boomers and beyond are likely to live longer than most elders preceding them. While medical and technological developments promise to make and keep those so-called ‘advanced’ years actively mobile, flexible and fulfilling to an unprecedented degree.
Now’s the time to build further on this prospect—turn some pages, wisely and/or wildly cashier some personal checks on that.
Which might mean not hunkering down, but busting loose. More fully utilizing accumulated possessions or pruning as you go, maybe jettisoning them altogether for the freedom of the road, seas and skies. Some VamoSeniors may pull up roots, stakes and states, recalibrating, restarting a new chapter down the pike some, or clearly around the world to places and positions of the long-held desires and dreams, rather than the everyday dull and void—be it for work or just plain pleasure.
Utilizing VamoSocial and other such networking to branch out anew, while restoring vital, enriching connections, for VamoSettes and VamoSingles alike, or not so…
Toning, building up physical/mental strength, studiously tending to the precious health, aids and comfort to maintain Vamomentum, pilgrim’s progress, keep your show on the road—and the goods to go with it.
With the astute Vamonomic sensibilities to fashion and fund it all—be it ferreting out free and easy discounts or passes—special soft spots, swaps, shares and services. To wielding keen financial leverage with a constant comparative graphic survey of exchange rates the world over from a Vamigré perspective, including emerging digital currencies. With pensions, nest eggs and fixed incomes in mind, Silver Vamigos and Vamigas will increasingly seek out BEATEMS* travel values–as authentically smart and savvy excursions and experiences as they still relish from their free-stylin’ hostel days. Even if today’s rucksacks are made of titanium and leather.
That is, not budget cheap, not necessarily 1% luxe either–but that sweet, sweeping spot everywhere in drilling down for smarter, sager directions/ alternatives (to indie geezerfests, etc.)—then passing them along, sharing the VamoSkinny verbally, visually—say, via Club Vamaway.
Only cool it with the chronic grumps, grouses and grouching (who has the time anymore?!) Otherwise, no monster goggles, white socks and sandals, no hand-wringing, no dowdy clasping handers on the small of the back (i.e., backhanders). And be careful out there…
* BEATEMS = Best Experience & Activity for Time, Energy, Money Spent.