VamoSports: Mobile Games That Test and Refresh.
Whether their rally cry is ‘surf’s up’ or ‘play ball’, sporting activities and events are a natural travel draw, and Vamigré will explore them accordingly —from the beach to the bleachers, suite level to the cricket pitch to the football club and pub.
All due coverage will be afforded spectator sports at various levels, particularly the scourge of pro teams and players just hustling for the contract and paycheck then go through the motions, phone it in from there, while they and their bosses less fleece us at the turnstiles and concession stands with sub-par product.
But of particular interest are personal-best rigors and recreation taken to the X-treme, goal being to get us up and out there travel-wise, with the right, proper gear for rah-rah show or vigorous gonzo go….
**VAMBO=Visit as module builds out.